Developing interfaces
About the session
If you are just starting your journey on web development, this is a session for you!

Learn the basics of front-end programming and tools to make awesome web pages.
Reserve your seat for next time.
Want this session to happen sooner? Bring along more of your friends to apply and we’ll be happy to organize it for you soon.
Vaibhav Rathore
Vaibhav Rathore
Request for this session
Coming up again soon! Apply to join next time.
Developing interfaces
Session Details

What is the program plan?


Day 1 –

Get to know Bootstrap4 and quickly create web pages
Bootstrap4 was launched recently. Learn what it is and why Bootstrap should be your first go-to CSS framework. Build awesome web pages with almost zero CSS! Psssk… it’s mobile responsive too.


Day 2 –

Introduction to JavaScript and VueJS

Get onboard and learn how to make web pages more interactive, user-friendly and awesome using JavaScript.


Day 3 –

Creating a basic front-end web application

You’ll create a basic application using all the learnings from the previous two days.