Good experience is not just inside the product but also while delivering it
Abhishek Sharma
December 3, 2017
When we work with startups to build their products, we don’t only design user experience inside the product  but also how it is shipped. This realisation came when recently, we were delivering a product to our client. We planned out how we should deliver it to them. To take them through the path of least resistance. To make it delightful for them to receive the product. It is easier to visualize in case of a tangible product, say when you buy a shirt. The kind of experience (the good one) the brands take you through the packaging or while billing. For softwares it may not be so obvious, and even more so if the clients are in other parts of the world. But we see it the other way, if there’s interaction there’s experience.


We’ve always been doing it for our happy clients, which has enabled our long standing association with them.
And doing it for a new client this time made me see how. Delivering a product is more than a transactional activity for us. It’s not just an exchange of invoice and code or design assets. How the exchange happens matters. It’s about making our clients lives easier with what we were entrusted for, through various fundamental ways:
Bringing the right judgement and explanation for the deliverables
Using the right tools to do it
Being human and building connections
The experience of  building a product is equally important as the experience built into the product. Nothing beats the confidence that comes about working with the right people.