Data Analytics

“Do you want to find ways to integrate Data Science into your organization to create more value for your customers”
“You may have a best-in-class tool to help your business to run. But are you getting the best out of it?”

With a team of experienced Data Analysts and software developers, ColoredCow offers you the tools and solutions to make the most out of your data

Services We Provide

Marketing Spend and ROI Analysis (Market Mix Modelling)

Data Integration, BI and Dash boarding

Funnel and Conversion Modeling

Hyper Personalization

Cross-Sell and Upsell Strategies

Multi Touch Attribution

Customer Acquisition Analytics

Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) Modeling

HR Analytics

Bussiness Analytics

Bussiness Intelligence

Our Approach

  • Understand your business needs and requirements
  • Brainstorming ideas and solutions
  • Data wrangling
  • Development and testing of models/metrics
  • Building data centric products
  • Continuous feedback

Our Work

  • How our Data Science Team helped a leading food delivery enterprise in the U.S.A to increase their operational efficiency.
  • Our Data Science team helped a leading fitness brand to accurately measure and increase the ROIs of their Marketing Channels.
  • How data analytics is helping NGOs in finding the most cost-effective ways to expand their operations.
  • How an NGO increased their reach and awareness among the target demography by understanding their existing data better.