Pankaj is our passionate programmer, who believes that god lies in the details. He is part of our engineering team and flawlessly switches between back-end and front-end. Any meaningful product reaches a point where the only way out is to reach the depths. He is our go-to guy for those situations. Working with new technologies is never a concern for him and he particularly enjoys working on React Native.
Pankaj loves solving puzzles and playing video games. Fond of screens, you will either find him in front of his mac or a television screen! He is an ardent cricket follower and enjoys a good sci-fi movie. Always up to date with recent political and technology events, he savors a healthy discussion on the same. He studied Computer Engineering at Kumaon Engineering College, Dwarahat.
It’s fascinating to see how Pankaj manages his work and his relations. Seeing him work is like seeing a ninja busy in mastering some strange techniques in which even breathing is time-consuming! On the contrary, he is always conscious of people’s emotions and makes it a point to find time for his friends and be there to share a heartfelt conversation.
Over the years Pankaj has established himself as a sturdy programmer. However tricky the situation be, whatever complicated problems come up, you will not see him back out. He’ll research, learn, experiment and do whatever it takes to find the solution. His love for coding inspires us to live an integrated life where you enjoy what you do and don’t struggle to balance two different lives.